Need someone to just tell you what to do in your business?

Grab this 3 month business building checklist and get on your way!

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Terrible business advice you’ve been given but shouldn’t listen to (and what to do instead)

Being in the business of coaching coaches and coaching a lot of woo woo types (woo woo’s, I love you, and I say that term with endearment), I hear a loooot…

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What NOT investing in your business is actually costing you: A Case Study

Yeah yeah yeah… I knowwwwww. Starting a business is hella expensive. And you’re broke. And there is so much to pay for. But once again – you’re broke. I UNDERSTAND.…

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Interview With Kendrick Shope: Selling

I wrote a post earlier this week about one of the biggest reasons you’re probably not getting clients (click here to read it), and in it I mentioned Kendrick Shope…

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First 3 Months Interview: Carrie Green

We’ve been chatting all about how to start your business and what you should be focusing on in the first 3 months to set yourself up for success (click here…

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First 3 Months Interview: Kate Courageous

The past few weeks have been dedicated to the 3 Month Hustle i.e. what you should be focusing on when starting a business (download the checklist for your first 3…

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First 3 Months Interview: Nikki Groom

Because everyone just wants someone to tell them what to do, I’ve been talking a lot lately about what you should be focusing on in your first 3 months of business.…

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First 3 Months Interview Series: Andrea Owen

I’m all about the “building a business hustle” lately, and to celebrate the release of the 3-Month Hustle checklist (a list of what to do (and when) if you’re starting…

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First 3 Months Interview: Tiffany Han

A few weeks ago, I released a simple but comprehensive #3MoHustle business checklist into the world (Click here to grab it for free) to help all the struggling business owners who…

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The 3-Month Hustle is here! A checklist for starting your business

Last week I wrote a post about how Facebook likes are a crap way to gauge whether you’re making progress in your business, and I promised you a checklist of…

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What To Do When No One "Likes" Your Facebook Posts

We’ve all been picked last in gym class (I’m sure that wasn’t just me? I’m really bad with a soccer ball). As humans the need to be liked is ingrained…

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The ONE Thing That You Need To Make Your Business Work

Yep. I’m making THAT kind of statement. The one where I promise you that there is just ONE secret to success. How bold! I know. I know. But I’ve worked with…

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The Real Difference That Will Make You Successful

Frustrated <– what you’ll be with yourself when you see all the other people killing it, while you sit quietly in the corner. Annoyed <–  how you will feel when…

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