First 3 Months Interview: Nikki Groom

Because everyone just wants someone to tell them what to do, I’ve been talking a lot lately about what you should be focusing on in your first 3 months of business. And yeah, I said the dreaded word SHOULD, because there are too many people out there saying “Screw the ‘should’, do it your way” but then you do nothing, so yeah…  I’d rather give you a structure and some kind of plan than leave you in the dark to figure out what YOUR way is.

But of course, my “should” is not the only one, so I’ve enlisted a few other business owners who are rocking it to tell you THEIR ‘shoulds’.

Our lovely guest this week on the #3MoHustle interview series is the wonderful Nikki Groom over at

Find out how Nikki got started with her copywriting business, what scared her when she was first starting out (and how she found her confidence), and how she created her business while still working full time (with some great tips for what to do BEFORE you quit your job).



3 month business building checklist

ENTER YOUR EMAIL BELOW TO learn exactly what to do to start your new business


Here’s Nikki Groom:



What business-y things have you been trying to figure out that you just wish someone would SIMPLIFY for you? Post in the comments and let me know!

xx becca

PS. If you’re struggling with knowing what to do first, download my free 3 Month Hustle checklist, a step by step plan for starting your business. Enter your email above to get it free.


  1. Marsha from on June 10, 2015 at 8:57 pm

    Really enjoyed this, thanks! Nikki;s four questions are just brilliant. Not enough people focus on the WHY!

    • Nikki on June 28, 2015 at 5:10 pm

      Thanks, Marsha! I totally agree! Glad you enjoyed. 🙂 xo.