The 3-Month Hustle is here! A checklist for starting your business

Last week I wrote a post about how Facebook likes are a crap way to gauge whether you’re making progress in your business, and I promised you a checklist of stuff that you should actually be focusing on instead. So here it is – The 3-Month Hustle.

This is going to be developed out much more robustly in a series of courses coming later this year, with details on each step, but I wanted to help get you started now with at least an outline of where you should be going, what you should be doing, and how you can strategize so that you’re not wasting time focusing on the stuff that doesn’t matter and you ARE putting your energy into a plan that will actually get you somewhere.



3 month business building checklist

ENTER YOUR EMAIL BELOW TO learn exactly what to do to start your new business


If I was starting my business again this is exactly what I would do, in this particular order. I’ll repeat – IN THIS ORDER. I’ve taken the guesswork out of where your focus should be, so you have no excuse to procrastinate… no reason to flounder wondering what to do…. basically no more excuses. You’re welcome.

CLICK HERE to download the checklist.

I’d love to hear what other questions or struggles you’re having with starting your business. Tell me in the comments so I can help and include them in the upcoming courses!

xx becca


  1. Andrea on April 28, 2015 at 11:09 am

    Great content, Becca!
    Just in the perfect moment to me 😉
    Thanks so much and lots of Love from Spain 🙂

  2. Tiara on May 1, 2015 at 6:34 pm

    This check list is delicious! Thank you!

  3. Rachel on June 5, 2015 at 9:52 am

    Yes! I’m in the beginning stages of planning my business and this is helping me stay on track. Thank you for this!!