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Are you making these excuses for not investing in the help you need?

As somebody who has been selling an online coaching program for business owners for nearly a decade, I have heard every reason under the sun for why somebody might not…

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Is your content “like”-worthy or credit-card worthy?

If I had a dollar for every beautifully curated Instagram profile belonging to a broke coach, healer or solopreneur without any clients, I could probably retire tomorrow. Listen, I love…

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The fastest way to make $100k as a coach

Let’s be honest – no one is becoming a life coach, healer, or starting a small business to get rich. Most people do this because they want to help people,…

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Why the marketing course you took didn’t help you

If you are like probably 80% (maybe higher) of the students we work with in Uncage Your Business, my guess is that you have taken another marketing course, or hired…

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Are you waiting for an a-ha moment? Well stop.

Today I want to talk about something that I see ALL the time with our students in our Uncage Your Business program. On the surface it might seem like a…

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3 secrets to creating packages that people will buy

If you’re selling services as a life coach, health coach, healer, or other type of consultant, you should absolutely be creating packages for your services! Creating packages is one of…

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Is Life Coaching a Pyramid Scheme?

If you’re a new coach, or even if you’re in an entirely different kind of business, I am sure that you have heard people criticize life coaching for being a…

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Sick of the industry selling you lies? Me too.

If you don’t know me well yet, you will quickly learn I am a pretty no B.S. person. I don’t like fluff and I’m not great at sugarcoating things that…

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The biggest challenges you will face as a new coach

Ouuuuu you’re starting a coaching business. Exciting! I have met so many new coaches over the years who are right at the beginning of their business journey, wide-eyed and ready…

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You don’t have imposter syndrome. You have this.

Hey there, new coaches who are scared to start putting your offers out there (hi, I assume that is MOST new coaches!). This post is for you. A lot of…

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Don’t build your coaching website til you do THIS

Listen up, new coaches and service-type businesses! Before you even think about spending hours on building a fancy website, let’s get one thing straight: building a solid client base is…

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What if you choose the wrong niche?

If you’re like the majority of folks who find their way to our content, I’m guessing you’re probably in the process of figuring out all the things for your new…

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