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Are you making your business too much about you?

One of the things that I love about having my own business is that I really get to make it a representation of who I am. The idea of being…

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Can you promise results as a coach?

One of the most common questions that comes up from our students in our Uncage Your Business coaching calls, is whether you can promise results as a coach. How can…

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Is your content “like”-worthy or credit-card worthy?

If I had a dollar for every beautifully curated Instagram profile belonging to a broke coach, healer or solopreneur without any clients, I could probably retire tomorrow. Listen, I love…

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Why the marketing course you took didn’t help you

If you are like probably 80% (maybe higher) of the students we work with in Uncage Your Business, my guess is that you have taken another marketing course, or hired…

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3 secrets to creating packages that people will buy

If you’re selling services as a life coach, health coach, healer, or other type of consultant, you should absolutely be creating packages for your services! Creating packages is one of…

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How To Use Testimonials To Get Clients

I was scrolling through our private Facebook group for our Uncage Your Business program and noticing how cool it was to see how much progress people were making during our…

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Should You Promise Results As A Coach?

If you’re anything like most coaches, you were taught a bunch of rules inside coaching school about how the client sets the agenda (not you!!), that it shouldn’t be a…

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How To Start A Life Coaching Business

I come across A LOT of brand new life coaches who are super highly trained and skilled in what they do, but who have pretty much zero idea about the…

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The one thing most new coaches aren’t doing (but should be) to bring in clients

Hey new coach! I know you’re super passionate about your work and excited to go out there and sell your coaching services. So you run around telling everyone and their…

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pay what you can coaching

Should I Offer Pay What You Can Coaching?

I’ve been getting this question a lot lately so I want to address it head-on because there’s a bunch of things going on under the surface for us to unpack.…

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Four lessons from shifting the Uncage Your Business Model

Hey! Have you heard the news? Uncage Your Business is changing. It’s a big change, and I want to share the reasons why we’re doing this because there are some…

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What every new coach needs to know about setting business goals

So I’m gonna bet you set some epic goals at the start of the year — to go full time in your biz! Launch a podcast! Grow your email list!…

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