Are you waiting for an a-ha moment? Well stop.
Today I want to talk about something that I see ALL the time with our students in our Uncage Your Business program. On the surface it might seem like a good thing – a great thing even! But it’s actually harmful to your business…. That thing? Is having “a-ha” moments. You know the ones….. That…
Read MoreIs Life Coaching a Pyramid Scheme?
If you’re a new coach, or even if you’re in an entirely different kind of business, I am sure that you have heard people criticize life coaching for being a pyramid scheme. It’s one of the biggest criticisms I hear about the industry from folks who are uneducated about what coaching actually is and how…
Read MoreThe biggest challenges you will face as a new coach
Ouuuuu you’re starting a coaching business. Exciting! I have met so many new coaches over the years who are right at the beginning of their business journey, wide-eyed and ready to delve into this new career. And I like to make it my job to arm new coaches with the knowledge of what it REALLY…
Read MoreYou don’t have imposter syndrome. You have this.
Hey there, new coaches who are scared to start putting your offers out there (hi, I assume that is MOST new coaches!). This post is for you. A lot of our students in our Uncage Your Business program freeze up when it comes time to actually start asking people to be their clients. They often…
Read MoreWhat if you choose the wrong niche?
If you’re like the majority of folks who find their way to our content, I’m guessing you’re probably in the process of figuring out all the things for your new business – your niche, your packages, your price point… literally everything. It can be a real mindfuck trying to figure out what the hell you’re…
Read MoreNot tech-savvy? Market your business like this instead.
According to the internet, every new coach needs the following to get clients: ✅ An epic website ✅ A lead magnet (and no, a pdf won’t cut it, needs to be a 3-part video series these days) ✅ An email marketing system using segments and tags ✅ A Facebook ads campaign ✅ A glamorous sales…
Read MoreAre you making these excuses for not investing in the help you need?
As somebody who has been selling an online coaching program for business owners for nearly a decade, I have heard every reason under the sun for why somebody might not want to sign up. Of course, many of these reasons are fair and legitimate, and I would never push somebody to sign up for any…
Read MoreAre you making your business too much about you?
One of the things that I love about having my own business is that I really get to make it a representation of who I am. The idea of being Uncaged is all about never being tied down to an office or a cubicle, getting to work from anywhere, getting to choose when you work…
Read MoreCan you promise results as a coach?
One of the most common questions that comes up from our students in our Uncage Your Business coaching calls, is whether you can promise results as a coach. How can you tell your clients exactly what they will get out of working with you, when coaching isn’t supposed to be a prescribed formula? When it’s…
Read MoreHow To Start A Life Coaching Business
I come across A LOT of brand new life coaches who are super highly trained and skilled in what they do, but who have pretty much zero idea about the business side of things. But if you want to make life coaching a viable career (and not just an expensive hobby), you have to focus…
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