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Start A Project, Not A Business

One of the main struggles I see with my clients and the other wanna-be entrepreneurs I’m connected to, is that they come at their new business with this all-or-nothing mentality.…

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Don’t Take Another Business Course Til You Read This

Here’s what usually happens when you start a business: You’re excited about it! You make your cute little DIY website, you take all the business courses, you start a Facebook…

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Would You Live Differently If You Knew Your Fate?

  I don’t know what she was like as a little girl. Was she playful? Silly? Wild like me? I have no idea who she was as a young woman,…

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The Reverse Bucket List

You know how sometimes, even though you love them, the people in your life who have it more “together” than you can make you feel like a real piece of…

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Flashback to 08/08/08. I’m mid-move from Vancouver to Toronto, spending some time at my then-boyfriend’s parents place in Winnipeg before we headed to Ottawa to visit my family. Life is a…

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