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How To ACTUALLY Make Changes in 2014 (hint: it’s not by making goals or resolutions or intentions)

It’s the start of a New Year tomorrow, and if you want to make really big changes next year, there are a few things you need to do, and they…

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End Of Year Review 2013

I’m NOT one for end of year shenanigans, but there’s something about running a business that makes me WANT to be that person – especially a business that just rocked…

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An Interview With Andrea Owen On Writing A Book, Being A Hot Mess, and The Top 3 Things You Need To Do When You’re Starting A Business

I recently joined a Mastermind (can someone please gimme a better word for that, because Mastermind sounds SO fucking pretentious) with 4 amazing other coaches, and one of them (Miss…

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Why Business Is Like An Arranged Marriage

Now, I’ll preface this post by saying that I know NOTHING about being in an arranged marriage. I’m not in one, nor do I actually know anyone personally who is.…

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How To Know What To Charge (So You Don’t End Up Resenting Your Clients or Hating Yourself)

Let’s get to the point, yeah? MONEY. You need it to have a business (otherwise you’re just running a REALLY time consuming hobby, which is cool if that’s what you…

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Obsessed With Having A ‘Fun’ Job Title? Don’t Make This Mistake.

Attention all service based business owners (especially anyone in the realm of “life coaching”)   PICTURE THIS: You’re hanging out at a dinner party and the douchy guy next to…

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How Uncaged Came To Be (And The Power Of Lowering Your Expectations)

BUT BEFORE WE BEGIN… A hilarious photo. This is what happens when you do a photoshoot in a back alley in a city like Toronto. Asian tourists want to get…

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Copy Me. Go Ahead. Seriously.

I have been waiting for 3 days to write this post. This week, I was semi-accused (twice) of copying someone else in my business, and it left a bad taste…

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How To Get Anything You Want

Once upon a time, there was a little princess who lived far away in a beautiful castle. Ok let’s cut the crap. The girl was me, and I didn’t like…

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How To Be Successful Without Any Planning

I was thinking the other day about how I got started with all this crazy online business stuff in the first place. How did this happen? Two years ago, I…

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How To Bring Your Offline Business Online

Yoga teachers, chiropractors, reiki teachers, osteopaths, personal trainers, and anyone else who runs a business that’s typically hands-on, something you physically have to be IN PERSON to do – this…

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Not Everything Is Precious

I asked a question recently in my Uncaged Lifers Facebook group about whether you’d choose perfect fulfilling work, or freedom and lifestyle, if you had to choose. Would you rather have…

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