I’m in Belize and thought I should brag (Photos included)

The Catalyze Retreat in Belize is happening NOW so I thought it seemed appropriate to show you what we’ve been up to here! Just 14 of us ladies, all alone in the jungle…

So far we’ve swam into ancient mayan caves (full-on skeletons and human remains are still preserved in these caves – eep!), tubed down rivers climbed up waterfalls, hiked up muddy mountains, did jungle-glam (junglam?) photo shoots, held tarantulas and frogs and (mini) snakes, and woke up with the sunrise for morning yoga and fresh cucumber and lime juice.

Not to mention the girls have been kicking some serious business ass. They’ve super focused in on what, exactly, they are doing. They’ve created amazing packages, gotten clear on their messaging and branding, but even more impressive, they are seriously challenging themselves to do things they never thought they could do – from overcoming claustrophobia by swimming though narrow cave passageways, to holding giant jungle spiders (One of my biggest fears!! Look at the size of that mother lover!), to finally CHOOSING a business and actually getting started. I’m seriously impressed.

Did I mention we’re only halfway through the week?

Feel free to live vicariously through us –  we don’t mind!

xx becca

P.S. I don’t always run retreats that help you get your business off the ground, but I AM always available inside my Uncage Your Business program. If you need to learn how to get your niche, packages, and marketing nailed down, check out the program here.

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  1. CatherineBasu on January 31, 2014 at 9:28 am

    Wow Becca! Great pics and sounds like even better adventures. Can’t wait to hear about all the new businesses when you all get back. My favorite vacation was Costa Rica. We were at the beach, in the cloud forest, at Arenal for the volcano, went whitewater rafting, and more.  So beautiful!