Don’t Make A Website For Your Business Til You Read This
Lemme guess. You’re SO psyched about starting your new business and you’re totally ready to go. You start thinking about logo design, and tag lines, and websites. In fact, you’re OBSESSED over logo design, and taglines, and websites. You feel like this is the obvious first step. Nevermind that you’re totally stuck with the rest…
Read MoreFirst 3 Months – Expert Interview Series
When you’re starting a business, there is SO much to do, and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out what to do and when and how and why. And it’s awesome that there are so many free resources out there now for you to help give you advice and lead you in the right…
Read MoreInterview with Gena about legal stuff
Yes, you heard me – “legal stuff”. The legit term for all the legal crap that scares you and feels overwhelming and that you kind of just push to the back of your to-do list for the first 3 years of your business until in comes back to bit you in the ass (which it…
Read More5 ways to get your ROI when you invest in business help
If you’re anything like most new-ish business owners, investing your business is terrifying, especially if you have already invested before and your investment didn’t pay off (which absolutely SUCKS in the moment because let’s face it, that money could have bought us a LOT of other things like wine and plane tickets and rent and…
Read MoreLife Coach Training with Kate Courageous
This is for anyone who is interested in life coaching as a career and is looking into coaching schools! I wanted to interview my colleague Kate Courageous about her coaching program because I know a few of you have heard of it and are looking into your options. I didn’t study with Kate, but I…
Read MoreFirst 3 Months Interview: Carrie Green
We’ve been chatting all about how to start your business and what you should be focusing on in the first 3 months to set yourself up for success (click here to get the free checklist!). And I’ve been interviewing other business owners who have made it past the bumps of the first few years and…
Read MoreFirst 3 Months Interview: Kate Courageous
The past few weeks have been dedicated to the 3 Month Hustle i.e. what you should be focusing on when starting a business (download the checklist for your first 3 months in business here). In this week’s #3MoHustle interview I sat down (virtually, obviously, because I can’t do REAL sit down interviews with no pants on.…
Read MoreFirst 3 Months Interview: Nikki Groom
Because everyone just wants someone to tell them what to do, I’ve been talking a lot lately about what you should be focusing on in your first 3 months of business. And yeah, I said the dreaded word SHOULD, because there are too many people out there saying “Screw the ‘should’, do it your way” but…
Read MoreFirst 3 Months Interview Series: Andrea Owen
I’m all about the “building a business hustle” lately, and to celebrate the release of the 3-Month Hustle checklist (a list of what to do (and when) if you’re starting your business – click here to grab it for free), I’m chatting with women who are killing it now about what THEY focused on when…
Read MoreFirst 3 Months Interview: Tiffany Han
A few weeks ago, I released a simple but comprehensive #3MoHustle business checklist into the world (Click here to grab it for free) to help all the struggling business owners who have HEART and HUSTLE, but who just have NO damn idea what to focus on and when in business. And I thought it might be…
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