Nice Package: Interview With Victoria Prozan

Welcome to the Nice Package! series, where I’m showing off the sweet packages that some of my fellow colleagues are selling. My new course  is ALL about helping you get to the bottom of how to create bomber stuff that SELLS. It’s a proven system and I use it for everything I create (and my shiz sellz out, so it works).

But today, I’m chatting today with Victoria Prozan, who jams on all things communication and branding – from writing to design to storytelling. She has a pretty sweet package herself, and y’all can learn a lot from her.

When I was brainstorming who I should interview for this series, Victoria was one of the first people who came to mind. It’s probably important to know that I have never actually worked with Victoria, and to be really honest, I didn’t even know what else she did other than this one service, before I started digging deeper into her stuff for this interview.

Just goes to show that it’s easy to build a stellar reputation when you have a really unique and noticeable package.

Victoria was always the go-to person that I thought of when it came to naming something for your business – whether your biz name or a package or service, or your first born (maybe? I bet she could some up with some cool branding for your new baby if you’re into that kind of thing. Baby branding – it is a thing, right?).

And what’s more interesting is that Victoria’s Superluxe Naming Experience was, for a while, the ONLY thing she offered. And now, she’s retiring this service! What!?

So as you can imagine, I was super keen to get into her head and figure out how the hell she was able to sustain her business with just ONE package, and talk to her about how and why she created it. Did she work with a ton of people on more generic branding stuff first, and then drill down? And, of course, I wanted to talk with her about why on earth she would STOP offering something that was so wildly successful.






Such great stuff in here. Huge thanks to Victoria for taking the time to walk us through her process!


Screen Shot 2014-04-27 at 4.27.52 PMHere’s what floats Victoria Prozan‘s boat: coaxing your self-expression to come out + play in service to building a remarkable brand experience. As the creator of The Superluxe Naming Experience, she has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs to craft spot-on branded language, plus her Creative Ambrosia subscription dishes up inspiration from the far corners of the world. You’re extraordinary, so brand like it!




xo becca

PS. If you’re struggling with creating your packages and services in your online business, my Uncage Your Business program might be the perfect fit for you. Learn more about it here.


  1. SophiaChang on April 30, 2014 at 6:18 pm

    I love focusing! Once I created my Storybrand Sessions, my business took off. I even sold longer coaching packages because of this one offering. The short-term one-off is also really aligned with how I like to work, rather than what experts, including my own business coach, say ;D.

  2. VanaFeliciano on May 3, 2014 at 11:17 pm

    What an amazing conversation. Thank you for this <3