Nice Package: Interview with Kendrick Shope

Welcome to the first interview in the Nice Package! series, where I’m chatting with business owners who have created amazing and unique signature packages and programs (because we all want to know their magic secrets, don’t we!?)

Packaging up your work the “right” way is one of the most important parts of your business (and, no surprise, is directly tied to you actually making money), but it’s one of the most challenging things you’ll have to do. It’s so damn hard in fact, that I was compelled to create an entire course JUST on this one part of your business.

Let’s get real – we ALL envy those people who are SO damn clear in what they offer that they seem to blow up overnight – getting press, running on a waitlist, and just generally killing it in their biz.

But of course, there’s no such thing as an overnight success, and even when it looks like someone is just born with biz success in their blood, that’s not usually the case.

Kendrick Shope is one of those people who is absolutely crushing it in her biz. But she didn’t start out that way.

I brought her on today to talk about how she went from having no clients in a general life coaching business, to the point where she’s running a yearly group program with hundreds of clients. Kendrick talks about how she got started as a coach, what DIDN’T work for her, and how she learned what to do instead.






PAY CLOSE ATTENTION, because a lot of the processes Kendrick talks about are exactly the ones that I see so many people wanting to skip in their businesses – testing things out for a long period of time (with literally hundreds of people), creating smaller, more focused packages right off the bat, and putting in your due diligence before leveraging your work in online courses or group programs.

This is the exact process I teach in Hey, Nice Package, and Kendrick fires some real pearls at us here that you can start to use right now in your business to create services that actually SELL (rather than those ones that, you know, aren’t selling, and just collecting dust on your virtual shelves).



unnamedKendrick Shope is the Creator of Authentic Selling, a process designed to take the ick out of selling so that you can do more of what you love, make money, and, make a difference.  In her previous life, Kendrick worked for 3 Fortune 500 companies and was a top performing sales representative.  You can learn more about Authentic Selling and sales school here.



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PS. If you’re struggling with creating your packages and services in your online business, my Uncage Your Business program might be the perfect fit for you. Learn more about it here.


  1. lauragjones on April 8, 2014 at 4:15 pm

    This is awesome, Becca! I love Kendrick, I’ve been following her and reading her blog for a while now. She’s so authentic. I found so many valuable gems in this interview, first the flexible package idea, then her 3 tips, and finally the Google docs concept (that’s just brilliant!) But I think what I found most valuable is hearing about how she started out, and seeing that she struggled with so many of the things that seem so familiar to me (and many other entrepreneurs). Seeing that about someone you admire and respect just makes you believe in the fact that it is possible to get there. Loved it, thanks for sharing this!

  2. lalomken on April 8, 2014 at 4:58 pm

    Thanks for this! I love that you ask the right questions and have her walk us through the very beginning of her journey. I get very inspired by your blog and love how effective you are at interviewing and getting so many questions answered. I have a question that keeps coming up for me that I hope you will answer honestly. It seems that all of the widely successful life coaches, business coaches, and various online entrepreneurs have spent a great deal of money taking a variety of different classes to market themselves, create their brand, get clients etc. As an aspiring entrepreneur without the financial resources to take class after class, do you think it is still possible to create a small online coaching business without ever having started a business? Is there ONE class that you would recommend for someone just starting out who wants to get their feet wet and make a little money before investing into other classes?

  3. Erica Lee Strauss on April 8, 2014 at 5:05 pm

    Stoked about this series, Becca! And I am a new Kendrick Shope fanatic so this was fantastic to watch. I’ve been thinking a lot about packaging lately and it’s so interesting to hear the process other entrepreneurs use. Excited for what’s to come! xo

  4. Rebecca Tracey on April 8, 2014 at 10:06 pm

    Erica Lee Strauss  Yeah SO many more nice packages to come 😉 Thanks Erica!

  5. Rebecca Tracey on April 8, 2014 at 11:09 pm

    lauragjones  Thanks Laura! YES – we all start in the same place, and I love that Kendrick shared how she went from general to something super specific, and saw results. I find that’s usually how it happens, but no one wants to start that specific! Thanks for watching!

  6. Rebecca Tracey on April 8, 2014 at 11:12 pm

    lalomken  Great question – and the answer is that everyone has to start somewhere. You absolutely can DIY it until you have some clients coming in. I don’t recommend investing in a lot of actual branding or design work until you’re CLEAR on what you want to do. 
    If I had to choose one class, it’s be Uncage Your Business.  Seriously. I help my clients get really clear on the foundations of what they are doing, and none of the other higher level stuff you learn is of any use until you’re clear and confident in what you’re offering.

  7. Naomi_Hattaway on April 10, 2014 at 7:46 pm

    Honestly, I loved that Kendrick spoke so honestly about spending a butt load of money on “finding her way” and taking many years to get there … so many don’t admit to that … but we all know it to be true. Someone just being honest about it, is incredibly motivating and inspiring.

  8. DanielleFuligniMcKay on April 11, 2014 at 2:23 am

    Great great interview!  I’m going to get clearer on selling the right thing, start talking to more people to get the feedback I need and then develop the best programs in response.

  9. Ffion Evans on April 15, 2014 at 3:02 pm

    lalomken I totally second Rebecca Tracey’s suggestion, Uncage Your Business is a fantastic place to start and well worth the money! I did UYB in December at a time where I felt I really didn’t have money to invest and it was a life saver. It totally rekindled my dying faith and interest in my business, gave me a lot of much needed clarity, got me moving and offered one hell of a support group. Some of the best money I’ve invested in my business ever!

    – Ffion

  10. Rebecca Tracey on April 18, 2014 at 10:24 am

    DanielleFuligniMcKay  Awesome Danielle! It’s SO much easier when you just let people tell you what to create!

  11. Rebecca Tracey on April 18, 2014 at 10:25 am

    Naomi_Hattaway  She’s such a sweetie for sharing her story. It does tend to happen that way, and you’re right, it’s not talked about NEARLY enough!. It does take a few years of navigating things before you nail down the PERFECT services. That’s just part of the process!

  12. ElsaRazborsek on April 19, 2014 at 10:00 am

    Becca, this is an amazing, incredibly helpful interview! I love the idea of selling first, and then making sure that we’ll deliver what clients want. It’s so scarily counter-intuitive, but it makes perfect sense. Talk about “starting before you’re ready”, as Marie Forleo says in B-School!! Thanks for running this interview series! Elsa xo

  13. Lori Puma Williams on February 4, 2016 at 9:02 pm

    This interview has so many great tips for how to test out your business ideas. I spent 7.5 years in grad school learning how to do research and get the information out of people through surveys, interviews, biomarkers(it was public health) and I thought I knew all the things I could do to test out my business.

    Wrong! I never would have thought of Kendrick’s phone call + mini sessions. And now that I know about it, I’m excited to go brainstorm some more combinations.