First 3 Months Interview: Carrie Green

We’ve been chatting all about how to start your business and what you should be focusing on in the first 3 months to set yourself up for success (click here to get the free checklist!). And I’ve been interviewing other business owners who have made it past the bumps of the first few years and are now smooth sailing with successful businesses that they love. It’s been awesome talking with other women about their experience, because it helps us see that we ALL start in the same place (usually with a big idea, no idea how to make it happen, and a lot of hair pulling).



3 month business building checklist

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This week’s 3-month Hustle interview guest is the amazing Carrie Green, creator of the Female Entrepreneur Association. I love Carrie’s story about how she got started with FEA, and because her whole business is centered around helping other women start businesses, she has a lot of wisdom when it comes to what works and what doesn’t. What is so cool about Carrie Green is that her business kind of happened by accident. She started something as a passion project and it turned into a business. Watch the video to find out how.

Here’s Carrie:

xx becca

PS. If you’re struggling with knowing what to do first, download my free 3 Month Hustle checklist, a step by step plan for starting your business. Enter your email here to get it free.