Nice Package: Interview with Illana Burk

Welcome to your FINAL Nice Package! interview, a series where I’ve been chatting with cool business owners who have created really sweet packages.

Today I’m STOKED to be presenting, for the very first time on video, the lovely Illana Burk of Makeness Media. When I started thinking about who I wanted to interview before launching Hey, Nice Package, Illana immediately came to mind.

Illana is wicked smart, has curly hair, and is a very nice person. She’s known for her no bullshit approach to business, and is a testament to how you CAN keep your integrity and run a business.

Illana has a couple of noteworthy packages, but I wanted to talk to her specifically about her 3-day intensive. It’s a unique service, and I wanted to dive deeper into why she decided on only 3 days, as well as her interesting choice to NOT work with a good portion of her clients on a repeat basis. When getting repeat clients is all the rage, Illana explains why that doesn’t always make sense in business.






Watch the interview with Illana here!


Illana BurkIllana Burk. Designer. Thinker. Artist. Helper. Writer. Teacher. Lover. Learner. MBA. Marketer. Business-Brainiac. Web-Nerd. Greenie. Foodie. Friend. Finder. Seeker. Searcher. Grower. Creator. Maker. Mover. Giver. Liker. Tweeter. Pinner.


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PS. If you’re struggling with creating your packages and services in your online business, my Uncage Your Business program might be the perfect fit for you. Learn more about it here.


  1. illanaBurk on May 20, 2014 at 10:48 am

    Holy shit mom! I’m ON TV! I’M SOMEBODY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Rebecca Tracey on February 24, 2015 at 11:21 am

      LOL Illana I JUST saw this comment 😉

  2. Marla on February 25, 2015 at 2:02 pm

    Thanks Rebecca and Ilana – I found this interview so freeing. It reinforced that you can be yourself and be successful doing work the way you prefer to, even if it means that you have no desire to establish long-term clients (instead prefer to dive in, give all you’ve got, and get it done!). Enough with the “should’s”! So many helpful tips, thank you both.

  3. Vicki on March 4, 2015 at 7:40 pm

    I’m loving the interview series and I’m inspired! Between HNP and this interview series I have made more progress with creating packages in one week than I have in 7 years of running my business.

    This interview, in particular, helped me to clarify what works for me and what doesn’t work for me in terms of how I work with my clients. It’s OK for me to decide what I want to do and what I don’t want to do. Sounds so dumb to say it out loud.

    But, I think sometimes we need that validation from someone who’s been where we are.

    Thanks so much!

  4. Diana on December 7, 2015 at 3:32 pm

    Hi Becca, Just wondering which software you used to record the video? Ive been doing interviews via a teleconference line but would love video- there’s so many options but your quality is great so may as well as someone who’s already achieved it!

    • Rebecca Tracey on December 7, 2015 at 3:33 pm

      Hey Diana,
      I just use quicktime on my mac with my apple headphones. Super simple!

  5. Erin on February 23, 2016 at 2:42 am

    Is there a way to read transcripts of the videos? I learn better (and pay attention more fully) by reading. Just a thought 🙂