The One Thing Most Failing Businesses Are Lacking

You’re going to hear me talk a LOT about the F word lately (no not fuck, but I’m certainly not afraid to talk about that one too).


It’s what most flailing businesses are lacking, and it’s one of the most important things that will make the difference between you getting clients (and thus making money and enjoying life). It’s also the core of what I help my clients with in Uncage Your Business in order to help them get more clients.the one thing most failing businesses are lacking

But it’s kind of vague, right? Focus. That could mean having a plan. Or doing one thing at a time. Or choosing a really specific niche area. Or all of those things.

And because being fuzzy about these concepts helps you NOT AT ALL, I want to give you some concrete examples of what focus looks like. Because you can see it when a business has it. And your clients will notice it when you have it.

When I started getting really focused in my business, my blog readers would email me telling me how I was nailing it with every piece of content, and how all my programs spoke to them. My client list filled, and my peers started being able to refer me more easily, and basically everything got a helluva lot easier.

In the work that I do with my clients, we put a hard focus on getting clear on their business foundations – what they do, who they help, how they help, how to sell it, and exactly how to talk about all of this in a way that is marketable. This is focus. Most clients come to me with a swirly mess of (mostly) great ideas. They have a passion, and a drive, but they cannot for the life of them sort out how to boil it all down into a clear business that reaches the right people and has them say yes to buying. So I help them do that.


Here are some real client case studies to show you what it looks (or rather, sounds) like when you have FOCUS.


Before having focus:
I help people who feel like they’re hiding their most amazing self at work or need help discovering their inner superhero. My goal is to help people choose careers or start a biz that is going to boost their super powers not stifle them.

After having focus:
I help people quit crappy jobs that they don’t love and find work that is fulfilling and that makes them happy.


Before having focus:
I help women become more confident by tuning into their intuition and embody their values. I’m in the business of epiphanies and re-tuning minds to help people live the life they desire.

After having focus:
I work with women who try to eat healthy but beat themselves up when they “slip” and eat crap – and they are tired of always stressing over food, not to mention they feel like they are missing out on the FUN of food.


Before having focus:
I help women raise their energetic vibration in the world and claim a deep feeling of energy, clarity, vitality and confidence, using whole, nutrient-dense foods and the practices of mindfulness, gratitude, compassion and connection.

After having focus:
I work with women who struggle with emotional eating and feel like they have no willpower around food that they know isn’t good for them. I help them sort of rewire and reprogram those patterns so they can really feel calm and in control, so it becomes easy to resist that box of Halloween candy in the cupboard or those donuts in the meeting room at work.


Before having focus:
I help women who are just starting out in their online business to leap over the hurdles (real and in your head) so they can grow a thriving business that financially supports their dreams.

After having focus:
I help business owners create a solid content and list building strategy so they can reach clients faster – no more messing around with no results!



I would be willing to bet that everyone reading this can think of at least ONE person they have ever met in their lives who needs help with exactly the ‘after’ is saying. The ‘before’? Maybe, or maybe not so much. It’s not that the ‘before’ is bad, or not accurate. It’s just that it’s not messaged in a way that resonates with exactly what people need.

The difference to me is that the ‘before’ elicits a “sounds nice” or “that’s interesting” response – still nice responses, but not ones that have clients open up their wallets. Whereas the ‘after’ is a clear “OMG YES I NEED THAT HERE IS ALL MY MONEY” response, or at least a “I know someone who needs you!” response.

And that’s because we took the time to really drill down exactly, who they help, how they help, and how their clients are seeing their problems. And EVERYTHING you do from there on in your business hinges on those things.

And, a not-so-secret parter-in-crime to this kind of focus is the CONFIDENCE that comes with being able to finally articulate what you do and feel sure that you can actually help your clients (and the excitement that comes with finally being able to tell people about your business!). No more trying to help everyone or fix everything about them. Focus means you can be selective with how you work, so that you are only doing what you love and what you are good at. And when you combine that kind of excitement with being able to clearly articulate what you do, sparks fly. People buy. And business takes off.

Focus changes everything. And that’s everything.

If you know your pitches sound more like the “before” than the “after, I would love to work with you to make your business more clear, more click-worthy, and more cash-worthy.

Join me for Uncage Your Business. An 8-week program + a year of coaching support to help you find the focus you need to get those paying clients!

xx becca

PS. If you’re not sure if UYB if right for you, email me and at hello [@] and let’s chat! I’m super happy to tell you whether it’s a fit for where you’re at, or whether there is another course or program I would recommend instead!