Solopreneur Tips: The Best Way To Get More Clients Quickly

One of the biggest struggles of many of my clients who come to Uncage Your Business is that they feel ready and raring to go – but they have no clients. Womp womp. And it feels like a game of chicken and egg- you kinda need clients in order to get referrals, but you need…

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How to Instantly Make More Money in Your Business

Ok, I know, the title is a bit click bait-y. Forgive me. But for real, there is one pretty significant thing you can do that will help you make more money right now in your business. That, my uncaged friends, is creating packages for your services. I’m not talking about fancy online courses (though they…

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How I beta test my online courses

If you’re working on creating any kind of new course that people will do online (whether it’s a freebie pdf or a paid online course), one of the biggest questions that might be coming up for you is “How do I know if this is any good?” The answer is simple – test it with…

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Beta-testing – Why And How You Need To Do It

I get questions all the time about how to feel more confident in your business, and how to actually make yourself believe that your services are worth it (because right now the thought of someone paying actually kind of scares you!) If this is you, or if you’re new to business and have no idea…

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3 reasons you need to be selling packages

3 reasons you need to be selling packages

If you’re a coach or any other kind of solopreneur who wants to be able to work online, you might have heard me bang on and on about how to create your packages for your business. But after chatting with some people in my free Facebook community, I realized that the idea of selling packages…

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3 ways to sell more

We have all seen it (and let’s be honest, we’re all sick of it). The vague, wishy washy, “sounds nice but I’d never buy it” kind of offers. The ones promising you authenticity, your best life and business, that promise to help you thrive, or raise your vibration, or find vitality, or claiming they will…

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How to create packages that beg to be grabbed

Because we all know a good looking package when we see one – the kind that just begs you to take out your wallet and pay for it (omg that joke was TOO EASY). You know the kind of package I’m referring to – you see it online, and you either think one of two…

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7 things you need if you want to get to 100k

Before you run away from this because you are sick of hearing about the whole 6 figure business bullshit that every damn coach and their protégés seem to be yammering on about – I ask you to pause and hear me out. This is NOT a post about how you can SO easily make $100k…

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Should you list your prices on your website?

Because I am sick today and feeling extra snarky, part of me wants to just write YES and have that be the end of that. But it probably makes more sense to actually explain why I believe the answer to this question of listing the price of your packages is (almost) always yes, so that…

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