3 (sneaky but legit!) ways to make more sales in your business
I want to share some sneaky sales secrets with you. But not sneaky in a gross scammy kind of way. Sneaky in a “why didn’t I think of that, it’s so smart and also feels really good!” kind of way, that you might not even realize were an option!
Unless you never open my emails (I’m offended!), you probably noticed that I just finished a big launch of Uncage Your Business. I sent a lot of emails, did some FB lives, posted about it on social media and yammered my mouth off about it everywhere I could. Don’t you just love launches!?
Then the launch ended. But I knew that there were still people who didn’t buy UYB, but who still need help in their businesses. So I decided to do a few things to get more sales and help more people, even after the launch ended. These “tactics” feel really good to me because they are authentic and come from a genuine want to help people (not just tacky ways to get more sales). And I love them because they work whether you sold a shit ton of whatever you were selling, or whether you didn’t make many sales at all.
3 ways to sell more:
1. Offer an extended payment plan
People want you to help them (or else they wouldn’t be reading your emails or following your blog). But sometimes money really is a factor. I HATE when coaches say that money is just an excuse and if people really wanted it, they’d spend the money. That is simply NOT always true (it’s 99% true). But there is still the 1% for whom money really IS the block.
To help you sell to those folks who either just couldn’t afford it, offer people an extended payment plan. On the last 2 days of the UYB launch, I opened up an extended 18 month payment option (even though the course is only 5 weeks long) and made a bunch more sales because of it. Giving people a flexible way to pay helps make it a no-brainer to say yes.
Hot tip: I always add an integrity disclaimer with my payment plans. This is what it says:
I offer this extended payment plan because I want to make starting your business EASY for you. A lot of people in my industry told me NOT to offer long payment plans. Why? Because in other programs, some people take advantage of these payment plans and then “default”. Meaning they do the whole program and then stop paying after the program is over, even though payments are still owed (womp womp).
BUT, I’m offering this, despite those warnings, because I trust in your integrity – as a business owner yourself, I am sure you can imagine what it would feel like to have someone sign up for your program, take advantage of the material, and then cancel and not pay you. I know that as a biz owner you understand the value of honoring your commitments, just like I show up 100% for my commitment to you by delivering you my absolute best when I deliver this program to you.
But seriously. Don’t be an ass and sign up for the payment plan if you don’t intend on paying. It’s a great way to set yourself for some bad business karma of your own, and I don’t want that – I want you to have a roster full of amazing, paying clients that love you and make your job easy!
^^ Does this work? Hard to say, but I don’t tend to have a lot of people who default or just cancel, so I’d say it can’t hurt!
2. Ask for feedback on why people didn’t buy, then address those objections
After every launch, I send out a quick survey asking people why they didn’t sign up for UYB, and then I address those objections in personal emails to the people who responded. It’s a great way to find out why people aren’t buying from you, and if it turns out your marketing message wasn’t clear, or people were confused about what you were actually selling, it gives you a chance to clarify and hopefully get people in the door once they see that your service IS actually a fit for them. It also lets you learn what your clients main objections are, and then address those in your program if possible, or in your marketing next time. Addressing objections is one of the BEST ways to sell more in your business — you MUST be hitting on the main objections in anything you are marketing!
3. Offer a down-sell after your launch is over
For many people, UYB was just too long (didn’t have the time to commit right now) or too expensive for them right now (even with a payment plan). And for some, they only needed part of the content, not all of it. When I learned this, I decided to sell a few of our prized Copywriting templates on their own, after launch ended. I know these can help people right away in their business, and while they are not substitute for the work we do in UYB, for people who are already clear on their foundations and don’t need UYB, this is a great way to still make sales from those people.

Whether you sold out, or whether you were left with very few sales and a very sad face, these marketing techniques work because you’re showing people that you are listening to them, which makes them feel heard, and thus trust you more and be more likely to actually buy.
Next time you launch something, whether it’s a huge group launch or just an email to your list announcing that you have spots open for a service, try these! And be sure to check in and let me know how they work for you.
xx becca