Solopreneur Tips: The BEST way to get over procrastination
How do you do those things that feel so massive (and maybe scary), when they feel so, well… massive and scary? I wrote a post a few weeks ago about how I was having a hard time adjusting to being back home after a bit of a hectic summer. This was NOT a good time…
Read MoreWhy it’s okay to get into “funks” as a solopreneur
I want to share something today that is a little vulnerable (close this tab now if you are JUST looking for how-to business advice — this will certainly NOT be it) I am due to write a blog post… because that’s what “good” business owners do, right? They decide they will do something and then…
Read MoreSacred Money Archetypes
I’ve been talking a lot in our Facebook group about Denise’s new quiz and program, and I was so intrigued by my results that I decided to get her on Skype to walk me through more about my results. And oh boyyyyy was it accurate! We also talked about some of the other archetypes and…
Read MoreIs Your Money Personality Sabotaging You (post from Denise DT!)
I’m SO honored to be sharing this guest post from the incredible Denise Duffield Thomas today – she is the QUEEN of all things to do with money mindset and one of the business owners I most respect and look up to. I absolutely adore her work and the way she teaches business owners to…
Read More3 things you need to succeed in your online business
I was chatting with a biz BFF last week (that’s what we call our “business friends forever” around here! Do you have one? You tend to meet them through courses, social media, and other weird online places that other people in your real life don’t understand, and when you meet these people they become your…
Read MoreWhy most new businesses fail (especially online)
I’m sure we have all heard the stat that  ____ % of all new businesses fail.  What is the exact percentage? I’ve heard 8/10. I’ve heard 98%. I’ve heard everything. And I’ve seen it with my own eyes! I work with businesses who are right at the baby stage of just getting over the fear…
Read MoreHow to create money to pay for things
You may not know this – but I just got a new car and remembered how to drive (I got my license in high school but have driven only a handful of times since then – and have been terrified of it for the past few years). So recently I decided it was time to…
Read MoreHow to turn $5 into $22000
I woke today to an email from a past client of mine and I wanted to share it because I think it tells such an important story – that you never know where the little things you are doing now will lead you. Ffion Evans did Uncage Your Business with me back in 2013. Her…
Read More5 ways to get your ROI when you invest in business help
If you’re anything like most new-ish business owners, investing your business is terrifying, especially if you have already invested before and your investment didn’t pay off (which absolutely SUCKS in the moment because let’s face it, that money could have bought us a LOT of other things like wine and plane tickets and rent and…
Read MoreWhat NOT investing in your business is actually costing you: A Case Study
Yeah yeah yeah… I knowwwwww. Starting a business is hella expensive. And you’re broke. And there is so much to pay for. But once again – you’re broke. I UNDERSTAND. When I started my business, I didn’t even have a job. I was racking up debt and was chintzy as fuck when it came to…
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