How to write a killer sales page

Becca from The Uncaged Life is reclined and typing on her computer with her dog relaxing next to her on the bed.

If you want to sell your services MUCH more easily, you need to be good at writing about what you do. On your website, in your content, on social media – everywhere! And one of the main pages that you need to put some good effort into writing is your SALES PAGE. You need a…

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Not tech-savvy? Market your business like this instead.

According to the internet, every new coach needs the following to get clients: ✅ An epic website ✅ A lead magnet (and no, a pdf won’t cut it, needs to be a 3-part video series these days) ✅ An email marketing system using segments and tags ✅ A Facebook ads campaign ✅ A glamorous sales…

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Are you selling a problem or a diagnosis?

I want to talk about one of the biggest challenges I see for new coaches who are trying to market their new coaching businesses. This is SUCH a common mistake that I see being made mostly by life coaches, healers, and other types of businesses that are not super concrete in terms of the results…

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Should you list your prices on your website?

One of the most common questions I get when it comes to pricing as a new business owner, is whether you should list your prices on your website. Or is it better to get people on a call, show them the value, and then talk about money? What about having them fill out an application…

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Fuck the avatar… do this instead

If you’re just starting out in the coaching world and have taken any business building courses, I am sure you have heard of the “ideal client avatar” concept. BEFORE YOU STOP READING — I hate this exercise and think it sucks… keep reading…. Basically, the idea of the avatar exercise is that you should define…

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Are you making your business too much about you?

One of the things that I love about having my own business is that I really get to make it a representation of who I am. The idea of being Uncaged is all about never being tied down to an office or a cubicle, getting to work from anywhere,  getting to choose when you work…

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Can you promise results as a coach?

One of the most common questions that comes up from our students in our Uncage Your Business coaching calls, is whether you can promise results as a coach. How can you tell your clients exactly what they will get out of working with you, when coaching isn’t supposed to be a prescribed formula? When it’s…

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Want to increase your sales by 80%? Do this.


If you’re a new coach and trying to break into the world of being a BUSINESS owner (ie. actually making a living from your business!), I wanted to take some time to talk about something that I see many coaches (and other kinds of businesses) not doing very well…. something that if you implement (and…

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