Not Everything Is Precious

I asked a question recently in my private Uncaged Lifers Facebook group about whether you’d choose perfect fulfilling work, or freedom and lifestyle, if you had to choose. Would you rather have a job that was kind of “meh”, where the work wasn’t particularly fulfilling, if it gave you tons of freedom to work from anywhere…

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The Ups and Downs Of Solopreneurship

Sometimes, I’m convinced that I can take over the world. Other times, I’m not even sure I can help a single person. Once in a while, I wonder how long I can really do this for. Is it sustainable? Will I consistently make a good income, forever? Will I get bored, and want to drop…

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The Reverse Bucket List

You know how sometimes, even though you love them, the people in your life who have it more “together” than you can make you feel like a real piece of shit? Yeah. That happened to me a while ago (this post was written in 2012, so it was a long while ago now haha) I…

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