Uncage Your Business Scholarship
What is the UYB Scholarship?
Here at The Uncaged Life, we know how hard it is starting a business, even with privilege on your side.
It is exponentially harder for those with marginalized identities.
There is a massive underrepresentation in the coaching world of BIPOC and other marginalized folks, and we want to help change that so that more diversity in voices can take up this space.
1% of the revenue generated from our Uncage Your Business programs goes towards our scholarship fund, and the fund is used to help assist in paying the tuition for UYB for people of marginalized identities who would otherwise not be able to financially invest in support for their business.
We like to support as many students as possible, so we ask that people contribute the max that they are able to towards tuition, and if your application is chosen then we will cover the rest of your tuition. This way we have the opportunity to support as many students as we can to help get them the support they need in their businesses.
Each round of Uncage Your Business LIVE, we will focus on a different group to offer scholarships to.
To see if you are a fit for UYB, please review the program page here.

This round, October 2021, we are accepting applications from Black and Indigenous folks. All gender identities are welcome to apply.

When is the deadline?
Please submit the application form, online, by Wednesday, October 6th, 2021

When will it be announced?
We will announce the recipients of the scholarship on Friday, October 15th. We will get ahold of each individual by email so they can be ready to start class on Monday, October 18th!

How to Apply?
Please fill out this form by October 6th, 2021

Our aim is to foster an environment in our paid programs and free community where everyone feels valued, supported and inspired to achieve their business goals. This includes providing opportunity and access for all people across differences of race, age, color, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, migratory status, disability/abilities, and socioeconomic background. We actively invest in our own learning to help us build an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, equitable, inclusive company. We believe Black Lives Matter. We stand for LGBTQIA+ rights. We do not believe that Hilary Clinton eats babies or that Covid doesn’t exist. We invite you to join our community if you share these values!