Our FREE community runs on Facebook and is an amazing place to meet other business owners just like you!
I’m not gonna lie—being in business for yourself is DAMN hard work. Sitting at home alone all day in your PJs, drinking wine at noon while you write your latest blog post sounds great, but doing it day after day it can start to feel lonely and isolating.
And lone-wolfing it is totally not sexy.
(Trust me—I Googled “sexy lone wolf” images, and not a single sexy lone-wolf turned up.)
It’s a known fact that your business grows faster when you have people to bounce ideas off of, support you when you’re feeling like tearing your hair out, answers when you have no idea where else to turn, and friends who actually GET it (unlike your family and real-person friends, who just think you’re playing with a fun hobby, and keep begging you to come back to reality and get a “real job”).
That’s why it’s so hugely important to be connected to other solo- and almost-preneurs on an ongoing basis.

Becca really gives her clients everything!
- Jamie Jensen

Working with Becca was the best investment I have ever made in my business.
- Elizabeth Buckley Goddard

Uncage Your Business is the holy grail of courses! I made my money back within days of starting!
- Kimber Lee