Your First Group Program
Your hours are limited, but your income doesn’t have to be

I see you, business owner.
You're putting the "busy" in "business".
Your business is growing, your 1:1 clients are picking up, and you’re finally feeling confident (right?) that you’re doing amazing work but…
Right now, you’re already starting to feel tired.
Your calendar is filling up, you’re enrolling new clients, booking lots of free consults, creating new options for old clients, plus all your marketing and the 1000 other hats you have to wear in your business…
And maybe you’re realizing that you don’t have much time left to actually live the uncaged life you’re trying to create.
You’re starting to feel the limits of your capacity as a one-person show. You need your income to grow, but what can you do?
- Start work earlier?
- Work later?
- Work weekends?
- All of the above? (That’s the fast-track to burnout, by the way!)

There are only so many hours in a day, and for service-based entrepreneurs, just a few billable hours. Our challenge is:
How do we make more money with less time?
You have to make your billable hours count for more. Sure, you could raise your prices, but even then, you’ll find that 1:1 work comes with a limited income ceiling.
Here are the crazy “side effects” of launching a group program:
- The launch can actually help you build your 1:1 client roster. If you’re not full now, you soon will be. How does that work? In the launch process, you become more visible than ever. You expand your reach, people see you who never noticed you before. And they’ll want to work with you. Maybe not in your group, maybe 1:1, but you will be in more demand, period.
- The launch can help you build your list, because you’re putting yourself and your content out there more than ever before. You are speaking up, showing up, and making sure people can hear you! Maybe they’re not ready to work with you right now, but they want to hear what you have to say next. So they join your list. It’s not uncommon to see your list double after a well-planned launch. (Plus, there’s an entire bonus module JUST on list building!).
- You’ll build your reputation and get referrals. Because of all of the above.
So even if you don’t completely book out your first group program (but we will do everything we can to make sure you do!), these side benefits are actually core benefits that can strengthen your business in the long term, so you’ll be ready to rock your group programs and start making money from the one-to-many model that much faster.
So even if your 1:1 calendar isn’t full yet - this can help you get there.
If your 1:1 calendar is filling up, this will help you reach the next level.
OH, and one more secret: Lots of people have launched successful group programs without having a big audience first!
(Did you know you can beta test with just 5-8 people? Yeah! It works great! It’s what we will teach you how to do in YFGP).
To blast through that ceiling, you have to move from 1:1 to One-to-MANY.

Hello Group Programs!
Let’s be honest — You know it’s time to scale and sell a group program (because let’s be honest, groups are just more FUN!)
And you’re craving the energy of something new, of being able to serve MORE people with the work you do.
You’ve also probably noticed that many of the online business owners out there who are killing it are selling the same signature group program again and again – and damn it seems to be working for them. You want that!
And I totally get it, because I was once where you are, and now I’m where THEY are (ie. selling a group program just twice a year that brings in 80-90% of my income).
I can tell you that THE best way to scale your biz and make the income you desire and have the time to actually enjoy LIFE, is to create a program that you can run again and again, like clockwork, that becomes your THING.
A scalable group program is your ticket to uncaged biz freedom.
Sure, you can create online courses that are self-study or evergreen, but I can tell you right now that “passive” income is a myth and unless you’re spending $1000s on FB ads each month or become a marketing machine, your self-study courses are not going to sell as much as you need to live.
And memberships? Don’t even get me started -- now THAT is a tough, time-intensive business model.
If you want to put more money in your bank account and more free time on your calendar, a signature group program that you can run online and repeat over and over is THE best way to do it. Period.

You know me, I’m going to be completely honest. This may not be the right fit for your stage of business right now.
- If you have never worked with clients before…
- If you haven’t tested your system with real humans…
- If you want to start a business from scratch and immediately do group programs without having the experience and confidence of working with people 1:1 and understanding their problems…
This isn’t going to work for you (but my other program Uncage Your Business will - you should check it out).
But, if you’re just worried that your list isn’t big enough, that you haven’t been working with clients long enough, or you haven’t “paid your dues”... then this might be exactly what you need.
Hear me out.
This course will teach you how to build your first group program. At the end, you’ll be prepared to launch a complete group program that your ideal clients will love and (yes) pay for.
But that’s not the only benefit.

Are you ready?
- You’ve worked with 1:1 clients enough to know your processes, systems, or methods work to deliver results. OR...
- You find yourself saying the same things over and over again to your clients, and you know there’s a repeatable system in there somewhere (if you could just get help digging it out)!
- You understand your ideal clients' pain points, struggles and desires really well
- You’re fairly confident you can teach what you know in a group setting
- You’re ready to earn more money in your business
- You have some ideas for creating a group, but want to make sure you do it RIGHT, so you don’t look stupid or waste time or money
- You’re starting to have a bit of a following (!!) and people are actually paying attention to what you have to say online! It feels like the right time to grow.
And you know that if you keep selling only 1:1 services, your income is going to be capped because you only have so many hours in a day.
Plus, you know you’re meant for a bigger business with more impact, more free time and yeah, more money.
Yeah? Then you’re totally ready to scale your business with Your First Group Program

What’s included:
YFGP is a self-guided, online program that you can take at any time and work through at your own pace.
Here is what we cover:
Module 1
Create a program that gets results! The nuances of moving from 1:1 to groups and how to structure a program that works for you and your clients
Module 2
Position your program for profit and scalability and make sure your students get results We talk refunds, guarantees, payments plans, and getting PAID.
Module 3
Sell out your beta and get that money! Plus a 6-figure launch plan to help you launch again and again
Module 4
Grow as you go! How to consistently grow your email list so you can sell out each launch. If you don’t have an audience yet to launch to, this module will get you up to speed!
Add our Template Bonus Pack and get
+ Sales Page Template
+ Sample launch emails
+ Testimonial template
+ Script to get beta testers
+ Pre-work template
+ Personal Invite email template
+ Bio template
+ Launch tracking sheet
+ Pitch template for podcasts/guest interviews
+ Opt-in email sequence
+ "Why didn't you buy" survey

COURSE ONLY $397 $297
+ template bonus pack, add $297 $197
+ Sales Page Template
+ Sample launch emails
+ Testimonial template
+ Script to get beta testers
+ Pre-work template
+ Personal Invite email template
+ Bio template
+ Launch tracking sheet
+ Pitch template for podcasts/guest interviews
+ Opt-in email sequence
+ "Why didn't you buy" survey

Buy once, get your money back over and over again!
Your First Group Program has an incredible return on investment (ROI) because once you create your program once, you can roll it out again and again seamlessly, and each time raise the price and enroll more people - cha-ching!
To show you the power of how groups can help you scale, here are the real numbers from my Uncage Your Business group program growth:

This kind of growth does NOT happen overnight (though it can happen faster than my growth did as I was still focusing on other services for the first few years of running Uncage Your Business).
And Your First Group Program IS your blueprint for creating YOUR scalable program that can help your biz grow into 6 figures and beyond!

COURSE ONLY $397 $297
+ template bonus pack, add $297 $197
+ Sales Page Template
+ Sample launch emails
+ Testimonial template
+ Script to get beta testers
+ Pre-work template
+ Personal Invite email template
+ Bio template
+ Launch tracking sheet
+ Pitch template for podcasts/guest interviews
+ Opt-in email sequence
+ "Why didn't you buy" survey